Privacy Policy


Data Controller’s Information

Name: Buza Patrik Márk e.v.

Registered Office: 5123, Jászárokszállás, Arany János utca 41

Mailing Address: 5123, Jászárokszállás, Arany János utca 41

Registry Authority: Szegedi Törvényszék Cégbírósága

Tax ID: 68471002-1-36

Representative (contact person): Buza Patrik Márk

Phone Number: +36 20 2814570


Applicable Legal Background, in particular:

  • Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information (Info. tv.),
  • Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues related to electronic commerce services and information society services (

Interpretative Provisions: The following interpretative provisions are determined based on Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information:

  • Personal data: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person – in particular, the person’s name, identification, and one or more physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural, or social characteristics – and any inference drawn from such data about the person.
  • Consent: the voluntary and unambiguous expression of the data subject’s will, based on appropriate information, by which the data subject agrees to the processing of their personal data – either in full or for specific operations.
  • Objection: the data subject’s statement objecting to the processing of their personal data, requesting the cessation or deletion of the processed data.
  • Data controller: a natural or legal person, or an organization without legal personality, who independently or jointly with others determines the purpose of data processing, makes and executes decisions regarding data processing (including the means used), or executes it through a data processor.
  • Data processing: any operation or set of operations performed on data, regardless of the method used, including collection, recording, organization, storage, alteration, use, querying, transmission, disclosure, coordination, linking, blocking, deletion, and destruction of data, as well as preventing further use of data, taking photos, sound or image recording, and recording physical characteristics suitable for identification (e.g., fingerprints, DNA samples, iris images).
  • Data transmission: making data accessible to a specific third party.
  • Data erasure: making data unrecognizable in a way that its restoration is no longer possible.

Introduction to Data Processing:

The data controller processes the personal data voluntarily provided during newsletter subscription – with the highest security measures – solely for the purpose of sending newsletters, within the following scope:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Phone number

Consent to Data Processing:

By subscribing to the newsletter, the subscriber confirms that they have fully understood and read this Privacy Policy, accept the provisions therein as binding upon themselves, and voluntarily, knowingly, and decisively consents to the processing of their personal data by the data controller for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy, in accordance with the provisions of the Info. tv. and this Privacy Policy.

Purpose and Designation of Data Processing:

Contacting potential customers.

Processed Data, Scope of Data Subjects:

The data controller only records personal data voluntarily provided by the newsletter subscriber. The range of data that can be provided includes name, email address, and phone number.

Legal Basis and Method of Data Processing:

The legal basis for data processing is provided by Section 5(1)(a) of the Info. tv., i.e., the consent of the data subject to the processing of their personal data.

The data controller processes the personal data of newsletter subscribers solely for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy and for the duration specified in this Privacy Policy, ensuring that each stage of data processing is carried out in accordance with the purpose of data processing.

By accepting this Privacy Policy, the newsletter subscriber declares that their consent to data processing is voluntary, informed, and decisive, as provided by Section 5(1) of the Info. tv. This voluntary, informed, and decisive consent forms the legal basis for the data processing specified in this Privacy Policy.

Source of Data:

The data controller acquires the scope of personal data solely by directly questioning the data subjects.

Duration of Data Processing (Newsletter Subscription and Unsubscribe):

In accordance with Section 6 of Act XLVIII of 2008 on the basic conditions and certain restrictions of commercial advertising activities, if the service recipient has given their explicit and specific consent as per Section 6(5), the Service Provider may contact the service recipient via newsletters using the contact details provided by the service recipient. The voluntary consent of the data subject is based on Section 5(1) of the Info. tv. The data controller and its employees may process personal data by the Privacy Notice and relevant regulations. If you wish to unsubscribe from our newsletter service, you can do so at any time (free of charge) by contacting the data controller at or by mail (5123, Jászárokszállás, Arany János utca 41), or by clicking on a link at the end of each newsletter. In this case, we will no longer contact you with further newsletters, and we will promptly delete the personal data you provided in connection with the newsletter subscription (name, email address, phone number), given voluntarily, explicitly, and specifically to receive newsletters.

Data Security:

By Section 7 of the Info. tv., the data controller takes all necessary measures to ensure the security of your data, and implements the necessary technical and organizational measures, and establishes procedural rules to enforce the provisions of the Info. tv. and other data protection and confidentiality regulations. Therefore, we handle the data confidentially and do not disclose it to unauthorized persons or make it public. We do not assume responsibility for the content of the provided data or its correspondence with reality.

Furthermore, we inform you that by the rules of data processing, we do not link your data with other databases, do not reverse engineer the provided personal data, and do not apply any analysis or categorization regarding them. We do not transfer the provided personal data to data processors.

Data Processing Based on Section 6(5) of the Info. tv.

According to Section 6(5) of the Info. tv., “If personal data has been recorded with the consent of the data subject, the data controller may, without further specific consent, further process the recorded data a) to fulfil a legal obligation that applies to the data controller, or b) for the enforcement of the legitimate interest of the data controller, the recipient of the data, or a third party, unless this interest is overridden by the data subject’s right to the protection of personal data, even after the withdrawal of the data subject’s consent.”

Rights of Data Subjects and Legal Remedies

According to Section 14 of the Info. tv., “The data subject may request from the data controller a) information about the processing of their data, b) the rectification of their data, and c) the erasure or blocking of their data, except mandatory data processing.”

Objection to the Processing of Personal Data:

“According to Section 21(1) of the Info. tv., the data subject may object to the